Labor: health and safety; provisions related to civil penalties; modify with respect to repeated violations and asbestos-related violations.
Construction: asbestos; public contracts for asbestos abatement projects; require disclosure of environmental violations.
Courts: other; family treatment court; create.
Courts: drug court; termination procedure for drug treatment courts; modify.
Agriculture: plants; classification of milkweed as a noxious or exotic weed by local governments; prohibit.
Property tax: assessments; procedures related to appointing designated assessors; modify.
A resolution to designate March 12, 2024, as Equal Pay Day.
Economic development: Michigan strategic fund; procurement technical assistance center (PTAC); update to APEX Accelerator.
Appropriations: supplemental; funding for enforcement of certain transportation requirements; provide for.
Transportation: other; requirements for passing a stopped vehicle; provide for.