
221 to 230 of 423 results

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  • Water

2012 Senate Bill 1156 / Public Act 560

Revise local government sewer project loan program

2012 Senate Bill 1155 / Public Act 559

Authorize local government water, sewer and “wetland mitigation” subsidies

2012 Senate Bill 1008 / Public Act 602

Authorize additional groundwater dispute regulations

2012 Senate Bill 942 / Public Act 557

Give special treatment to firms submitting to “environmental leader” process

2012 House Bill 5673 / Public Act 511

Authorize local government water, sewer and “wetland mitigation” subsidies

2012 House Bill 5676

Revise local government sewer and water project loan program

2012 House Bill 5675

Revise local government water project loan program

2012 House Bill 5674

Revise local government sewer project loan program

2012 House Bill 5869

Revise ocean ship ballast flushing requirements

2012 Senate Bill 1212

Revise ocean ship ballast flushing requirements