Civil rights: open meetings; procedures for electronic meetings of public bodies; modify.
Retirement: state employees; employment of retired state employees; allow without forfeiting retirement benefits.
Civil procedure: other; certain references in the revised judicature act; make gender neutral.
Property: other; act validating conveyances made by attorney in fact; revise gender-specific language.
Property: ownership interests; rights and liabilities of married women act; revise gender-specific language.
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in the public safety officers benefit act; make gender neutral.
Insurance: other; certain references in the insurance code; make gender neutral.
Natural resources: gas and oil; certain references in the oil and gas mining statute; make gender neutral.
Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in the provision related to marriage license without publicity; make gender neutral.
Property tax: other; act regarding termination of tenancy by the entireties; revise gender-specific language.