Property tax: tax tribunal; methods for tax tribunal to hold hearings; expand to include electronically.
Property tax: tax tribunal; electronic hearings of the tax tribunal; provide for.
Trade: consumer goods and services; digital electronic equipment repair act; create.
Crimes: penalties; penalties for certain crimes of imprisonment for life without parole eligibility; amend Michigan penal code to reflect potential resentencing.
Criminal procedure: sentencing; penalties for certain crimes of imprisonment for life without parole eligibility; amend public health code to reflect potential resentencing.
Crime victims: notices; crime victim's rights act; amend to reference rights of crime victims in certain prisoner resentencing.
Corrections: prisoners; corrections code of 1953; amend to reflect requirement for department of corrections to provide certain notification to prisoners.
Criminal procedure: sentencing; resentencing upon petition of certain prisoners; provide process for.
A resolution to express our commitment to strengthening and deepening the ties between the state of Michigan and Taiwan, and to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in and contributions to international organizations.
A resolution to urge the Michigan State University Board of Trustees to include a representative from Michigan’s agricultural community on the Presidential Search Committee.