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Local government: other; local financial stability and choice act; repeal.
Education: attendance; the provision of kindergarten; require, and modify requirements related to school enrollment.
Education: elementary; requirements related to the retention of certain grade 3 pupils; modify.
Education: curriculum; satisfaction of the 1/2-credit economics requirement for high school graduation through completion of 1/2-credit course in personal finance; allow.
School aid: fiscal year appropriations; appropriation of certain funds for rural district transportation; provide for.
School aid: categoricals; learning loss recovery grant program; create.
Education: teachers and administrators; certain requirements concerning eligibility to serve as a substitute teacher; modify.
Education: elementary; requirements related to the retention of certain grade 3 pupils; modify.
Education: attendance; excused mental health days; allow certain number.
School aid: membership; requirements concerning counting pupils in membership; modify for pupils enrolled in certain work-based learning experiences.