
341 to 350 of 1,948 results

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  • Children

2020 Senate Bill 1107

Create foster care "task force”

2020 House Bill 5977

Mandate child care organizations comply promptly with new government rules

2020 House Bill 5976

Revise licensed child care staff ratios

2020 House Bill 5975

Revise licensed child care staff ratios

2020 Senate Bill 1221

Require adoption agencies tell parents foreign babies need to file citizenship papers

2020 House Bill 5444 / Public Act 178

Create federally-approved state “kinship caregiver navigator program”

2020 House Bill 5443

Create government “kinship caregiver advisory council”

2019 House Bill 5249 / 2020 Public Act 186

Revise child abuse or neglect investigations detail

2019 House Bill 5248 / 2020 Public Act 185

Revise child abuse or neglect investigations detail

2019 House Bill 5148 / 2020 Public Act 183

Revise adoption solicitation restriction detail