Disabilities: other; vulnerable adult multidisciplinary teams; provide for.
Crimes: embezzlement; embezzlement from vulnerable adults and the estates of vulnerable adults; provide penalties and steps for property recovery.
Crimes: definitions; definition of racketeering; include embezzlement from a vulnerable adult.
Civil procedure: personal protection orders; elder and vulnerable adult personal protection order; provide for.
Property tax: exemptions; homestead property tax exemption for the surviving spouse of an emergency first responder killed in the line of duty; provide for.
Constitutional amendments: state; governor-appointed superintendent of public instruction; provide for.
Appropriations: school aid; appropriations for K-12 school aid; provide for.
Appropriations: omnibus; appropriations for multiple departments and branches for fiscal year 2025-2026; provide for.
Administrative procedure: rules; adoption of rules by state agencies more stringent than federal regulations; prohibit.
Education: curriculum; core academic curriculum requirements; modify.