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Criminal procedure: other; violation of tampering with utility shut-off procedures; decriminalize under certain circumstances.
Public utilities: water utilities; water shutoff protection act; enact.
Human services: services or financial assistance; water rate affordability fund; provide for.
Human services: services or financial assistance; water rate affordability program; create.
Energy: alternative sources; distributed generation, storage, and aggregation; create program for in rate cases.
Energy: conservation and efficiency; process to allow public comment; provide for.
Public utilities: public service commission; public service commission mandate and factors for decision making; revise.
Energy: alternative sources; renewable energy standard; increase, and establish a carbon-free energy standard.
Public utilities: electric utilities; tariff for distributed generation and net metering customers; eliminate.
Energy: alternative sources; distributed generation program; eliminate modified net metering and cap on system capacity, increase cap on peak load, and provide for fair value tariffs and standard-offer contracts.