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  • Public Safety

2013 House Bill 4762

Authorize automated "photo cop" citations

2013 Senate Bill 97 / Public Act 35

Repeal child car seat penalty waiver provision

2013 House Bill 4741

Waive commercial road test for certain recent veterans

2013 House Bill 4723

Expand ticket points-avoiding driver course eligibility

2013 House Bill 4037 / Public Act 27

Designate veteran status on drivers license if requested

2013 House Bill 4131 / Public Act 24

Eliminate .08 BAC drunk driving sunset

2013 House Bill 4093 / Public Act 23

Eliminate .08 BAC drunk driving sunset

2013 House Bill 4621

Create pro-illegal alien document state government commission

2013 House Bill 4619

Authorize drivers license for “dream act” eligible aliens and more

2013 House Bill 4616

Waive drivers license fee for “homeless”