
791 to 800 of 983 results

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  • Consumer Protection

2004 Senate Bill 1025 / Public Act 241

"Do not e-mail" child protection registry

2004 House Bill 5979 / Public Act 242

Establish penalties for adult e-mails to children

2003 House Bill 4062 / 2004 Public Act 189

Require 24 hour hotline for nursing home complaints

2003 Senate Bill 549

Revise mobile home regulations

2004 Senate Bill 1327

Ban fraudulent use of fake college diploma

2004 Senate Bill 1114

Establish regulations on sweepstakes

2004 Senate Bill 1316

Ban surreptitious spyware

2004 Senate Bill 1315

Ban surreptitious spyware

2003 House Bill 4983 / 2004 Public Act 161

Impose immigration clerical assistant regulations

2004 Senate Bill 918 / Public Act 155

Camera phone voyeur penalties