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Local government: authorities; revisions to the recreational authorities act; provide for.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for violation of intentional false statement in a mining permit application or report; provide for.
Land use: zoning and growth management; mining; modify conditions under which zoning ordinance may prohibit.
Natural resources: mining; regulations for mining of sand and gravel operations; modify.
Natural resources: gas and oil; ownership and conveyance rights associated with pore space; establish.
Natural resources: gas and oil; definitions in the crude oil and petroleum act; update.
Environmental protection: air pollution; regulation of carbon sequestration; provide for.
Natural resources: land acquisition; preservation of land and water; provide for.
Natural resources: soil and erosion; certain soil sold in this state; require to include certain percentage of compost.
Natural resources: shorelands; temporary erosion control structures; authorize without permit during high water levels.