Rep. A.T. Frank (D-96, 2002)


11 to 20 of 31 results

  • Amendment not adopted 40 to 60 on Feb. 20, 2002
  • Amendment not adopted 45 to 56 on Feb. 20, 2002
  • Amendment adopted 102 to 0 on Feb. 6, 2002
  • Amendment not adopted 47 to 50 on Dec. 12, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 44 to 50 on Dec. 12, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 39 to 62 on Dec. 12, 2001
  • Amendment adopted on Dec. 11, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 49 to 56 on Oct. 31, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 49 to 56 on Oct. 31, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 48 to 53 on Sept. 25, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted 50 to 54 on June 26, 2001
  • Amendment not adopted on May 31, 2001