Sen. Patricia Birkholz (R-24, 2010)


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  • “regulation”

2010 Senate Bill 1347

Streamline hazardous material spill regulatory regime

  • Voted against
  • Amendment not adopted 16 to 22 on Aug. 17, 2010
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 30 to 8 on Aug. 17, 2010

2009 Senate Bill 437

Ban environmental cleanup standards more stringent than federal

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 30 to 8 on Aug. 17, 2010

2010 Senate Bill 1309 / Public Act 139

Strengthen “protectionist” auto dealer contract regulations

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 33 to 0 on July 21, 2010

2010 Senate Bill 1308 / Public Act 138

Strengthen “protectionist” auto dealer contract regulations

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 38 to 0 on July 1, 2010
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 33 to 0 on July 21, 2010

2010 House Bill 6100 / Public Act 141

Strengthen “protectionist” auto dealer contract regulations

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 33 to 0 on July 21, 2010

2010 House Bill 6099 / Public Act 140

Strengthen “protectionist” auto dealer contract regulations

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 33 to 0 on July 21, 2010

2010 House Bill 5837 / Public Act 113

Exempt certain “cottage food operations” from licensure

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 38 to 0 on July 1, 2010

2009 Senate Bill 791 / 2010 Public Act 123

Set standards for electronic deed recording

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on Nov. 10, 2009
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 37 to 0 on July 1, 2010

2009 House Bill 5280 / 2010 Public Act 112

Exempt “cottage food” from licensure but require labels

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 38 to 0 on July 1, 2010

2010 House Bill 5749 / Public Act 88

Revise massage therapists license law detail

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on May 20, 2010