Rep. Robert Jones (D-60, 2010)


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371 to 380 of 2,321 results

2009 House Bill 4194

End post-retirement health coverage for new legislators

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 103 to 1 on Feb. 2, 2010

2009 House Bill 5614 / 2010 Public Act 382

Require licensure violation investigations

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 95 to 4 on Jan. 27, 2010

2009 House Bill 4699

Ban deca-BDEs

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 94 to 6 on Jan. 27, 2010

2009 House Bill 5658 / 2010 Public Act 13

Impose new migrant housing inspection fees

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 73 to 34 on Jan. 26, 2010

2009 House Bill 5657 / 2010 Public Act 14

Impose new migrant housing inspection fees

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 73 to 34 on Jan. 26, 2010

2009 House Bill 5495 / 2010 Public Act 65

Extend certain “neighborhood enterprise zone” property tax breaks

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 95 to 12 on Jan. 21, 2010

2009 House Bill 5404 / 2010 Public Act 1

Appropriations: Supplemental budget

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 102 to 5 on Dec. 10, 2009
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 105 to 0 on Jan. 21, 2010

2009 House Bill 5141

Allow county to use general property tax revenue on roads

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 106 to 1 on Jan. 21, 2010

2009 House Bill 5579 / 2010 Public Act 364

Expand human trafficking definitions and penalties

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 106 to 1 on Jan. 20, 2010

2009 House Bill 5578 / 2010 Public Act 363

Expand human trafficking definitions and penalties

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 106 to 1 on Jan. 20, 2010