Rep. Mary Valentine (D-91, 2010)


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311 to 320 of 2,465 results

2010 Senate Bill 1072

Expand scope of municipal binding arbitration mandate

  • Voted against
  • Amendment not adopted 45 to 59 on June 24, 2010
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 62 to 42 on June 24, 2010

2010 House Bill 6157

Authorize homestead tax exemption for inherited house

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 105 to 0 on June 24, 2010

2009 House Bill 5548

Authorize certain MBT health care services exemptions

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 102 to 2 on June 24, 2010

2010 Senate Bill 1343 / Public Act 114

Revise electric car battery maker subsidy detail

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 96 to 10 on June 23, 2010

2010 Senate Bill 1315 / Public Act 121

Revise psychology degree program accreditation

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 104 to 2 on June 23, 2010

2010 House Bill 6223

Increase principle residence “takings” reimbursement

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 86 to 20 on June 23, 2010

2009 House Bill 4627

Mandate disclosures, right of rescission for annuities

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 97 to 7 on June 23, 2010

2010 House Bill 6188

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 64 to 42 on June 22, 2010

2010 House Bill 6187

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 64 to 42 on June 22, 2010

2010 House Bill 6186

Impose restrictions on corporate, union and interest group campaign ads

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 64 to 42 on June 22, 2010