Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R-7, 2018)


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501 to 510 of 4,586 results

2018 House Bill 5993 / Public Act 299

Repeal various government agency reporting requirements

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on June 12, 2018

2018 House Bill 5990 / Public Act 298

Repeal mandated agency reports to legislature

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 26 to 10 on June 12, 2018

2018 House Bill 5985 / Public Act 214

Revise Indigent Defense Commission details

  • Voted against
  • Passed 27 to 9 on June 12, 2018

2018 House Bill 5934 / Public Act 220

Give rural hospitals $26 million for Medicaid cases

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on June 12, 2018

2018 House Bill 5908 / Public Act 248

Revise "personal property tax" details

  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 28 to 7 on June 12, 2018
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 27 to 9 on June 12, 2018

2018 House Bill 5901 / Public Act 221

Revise statewide trauma system funding

  • Voted against
  • Passed 23 to 13 on June 12, 2018
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 34 to 2 on June 12, 2018
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on June 12, 2018
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on June 12, 2018
  • Voted in favor
  • Passed 36 to 0 on June 12, 2018