Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-2, 2018)


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  • Excused

2008 House Bill 6633 / Public Act 424

Revise charitable soliciting license provisions

  • Was excused
  • Passed 92 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 6524 / Public Act 507

Grant Detroit Auto Show subsidy

  • Was excused
  • Passed 101 to 0 on Nov. 13, 2008
  • Was excused
  • Passed 92 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 6456 / Public Act 541

Establish adverse health care event reporting program

  • Was excused
  • Passed 93 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 6122 / Public Act 473

Exempt corporation liquidation from real estate transfer tax

  • Was excused
  • Passed 66 to 25 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 6025 / Public Act 527

Authorize United Way income tax checkoff

  • Was excused
  • Passed 83 to 1 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 5977 / Public Act 548

Give MEGA authority for electric car subsidies

  • Was excused
  • Passed 105 to 1 on April 17, 2008
  • Was excused
  • Passed 93 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 5924 / Public Act 472

Revise gross receipts tax for real estate brokers

  • Was excused
  • Passed 92 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008

2008 House Bill 5691 / Public Act 553

Extend and increase Cobo Hall taxes

  • Was excused
  • Passed 58 to 43 on Nov. 13, 2008
  • Was excused
  • Passed 57 to 35 on Dec. 19, 2008

2007 House Bill 5375 / 2008 Public Act 550

Authorize college tuition subsidy tax increment finance districts

  • Was excused
  • Passed 59 to 30 on Dec. 19, 2008

2007 House Bill 5118 / 2008 Public Act 470

Clarify Michigan Business Tax provision

  • Was excused
  • Passed 89 to 0 on Dec. 19, 2008