Occupations: cosmetologists; branch facilities for a school of cosmetology; provide for.
Businesses: limited liability companies; definition of business organization; modify.
State: symbol; Isabella tiger moth; designate as the official state insect.
A resolution to recognize May 12-18, 2024, as Police Week.
State: interstate compacts and agreements; incentives to encourage companies to relocate from one state to another; prohibit.
State: interstate compacts and agreements; company-specific subsidy interstate compact; enact.
Property: conveyance of state property; transfer of certain state-owned property in Tuscola County; provide for.
A resolution to congratulate St. Clair County Community College on its 100th Anniversary.
A resolution to designate November 8, 2023, as Auto Heritage Day and recognize the 25th Anniversary of the MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership.
Insurance: fraternal benefit societies; liquidation and rehabilitation procedures; modify.