Civil rights: privacy; restriction of student access to certain restrooms and changing areas based on biological sex; provide for.
A resolution to declare March 24-31, 2024, as Holy Week in the state of Michigan.
Economic development: other; application process for critical industry program and Michigan strategic site readiness program; revise.
State management: funds; distributions from the strategic outreach and attraction reserve fund; modify.
A resolution to declare February 14, 2024, as National Donor Day in the state of Michigan.
Weapons: firearms; Michigan retired law enforcement officer’s firearm carry act; update references.
Education: curriculum; requirement for schools to offer instruction on Christian foundations of United States history; provide for.
Appropriations: supplemental; funding for Lake Mitchell Sewer Authority; provide for.
A resolution to declare April 2-9, 2023, as Holy Week in the state of Michigan and to extend best wishes to Christians in Michigan, the United States, and worldwide, for a joyous and meaningful observance of Holy Week, culminating in Easter Sunday, when all Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
Civil rights: privacy; restriction of student access to certain restrooms and changing areas based on biological sex; provide for.