Public employees and officers: ethics; financial disclosure reports; require members of the state board of education to file.
Environmental protection: cleanups; cleanup to residential and safe drinking water standards; require unless technically infeasible.
Family law: other; reference to surrogate parenting act; eliminate, and refer to the assisted reproduction and surrogacy parentage act.
Natural resources: fishing; allowable catch per species and percentage quota for commercial fishing; provide for.
Natural resources: other; public trust resources; protect.
Property: conveyance of state property; transfer of certain state-owned property in Kent County; provide for.
Civil rights: sexual orientation discrimination; certain references to marriage; make gender neutral.
Property: other; act validating conveyances made by attorney in fact; revise gender-specific language.
Property: ownership interests; rights and liabilities of married women act; revise gender-specific language.
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in the public safety officers benefit act; make gender neutral.