Civil procedure: injunctions; extreme risk protection order act; repeal.
Weapons: firearms; firearms law; amend to reflect repeal of the extreme risk protection order act.
Civil procedure: service of process; provisions relating to service of process and court fees; amend to reflect repeal of the extreme risk protection order act.
Construction: public buildings; placement of certain antennas on public school buildings, rooftops, and adjacent structures; prohibit.
Legislature: sessions; part-time legislature; provide for.
Natural resources: hunting; right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife; recognize in constitution.
Food: meats; production and sale of lab-grown meat; prohibit.
Agriculture: animals; generally accepted agricultural and management practices for rearing egg-laying hens in residential areas under certain conditions; provide for.
Land use: zoning and growth management; rearing of hen chickens in residential areas; allow.
Property tax: exemptions; exemption from state education tax for certain residential property and certain agricultural property; provide for.