Constitutional amendments: state; state board of education; eliminate.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for delivering, manufacturing, or possessing with intent to deliver certain controlled substances; amend.
Appropriations: school aid; appropriations for K-12 school aid; provide for.
Appropriations: omnibus; appropriations for multiple departments and branches for fiscal year 2025-2026; provide for.
A resolution to provide for a procedure for the required disclosures related to enhancement grants under Rule 52 of the Standing Rules of the House of Representatives.
Legislature: legislators; requirements for bill passage; modify.
Occupations: individual licensing and registration; annual review and report of occupational code licensing and registration requirements and their impact; require.
Legislature: other; authority to suspend part or all of the salary and expense allowance of a member who acts unethically or is excessively absent from regular session; provide for.
Legislature: legislators; requirements for bill passage; modify.
Economic development: other; certain funds directed to SOAR or CIP; require to be returned to the general fund.