Education: career and technical; trade schools; include in the postsecondary enrollment options act.
State: symbol; AR-15; designate as the official state rifle.
A resolution to urge the United States Secretary of State to designate drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
Use tax: exemptions; tax exemption on catered fundraiser meals for nonprofits; provide for.
Sales tax: exemptions; tax exemption on catered fundraiser meals for nonprofits; provide for.
Vehicles: emergency vehicles; definition of authorized emergency vehicle; expand.
Property tax: exemptions; exemption for the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran; modify.
Elections: local; eligibility requirements for county sheriff; modify.
Mental health: other; petition for access to assisted outpatient treatment; expand to additional health providers.
Law enforcement: funds; allowable uses for fee revenue related to salvage vehicle inspection; modify.