Environmental protection: air pollution; asbestos emissions program for demolition or renovation activity; require annual report on sufficiency of number of inspectors.
Construction: asbestos; public contracts for asbestos abatement projects; require under certain circumstances background investigation, public posting of certain information, and public hearings.
Vehicles: registration plates; eligibility for disabled veteran registration plate; extend to partially disabled veterans.
State finance: bonds; revenue bond act definitions; modify.
State finance: authorities; land bank fast track act taxable status; modify.
Insurance: health insurers; reimbursement rate for telehealth visits; require to be the same as reimbursements for office visits.
Mental health: code; definition of distant site for a telemedicine visit; provide for.
Environmental protection: air pollution; asbestos emissions program; impose fee on notification of demolition or renovation and specify minimum rates of inspection.
Construction: asbestos; provision allowing the withholding of payment to asbestos abatement contractors or demolition contractors for environmental violations; require certain local government contracts to contain, and require certain disclosures by asbestos abatement contractors and demolition contractors.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for health care services provided through telemedicine; modify.