Counties: employees and officers; request for transcript and abstract of paper or record; modify.
Crimes: animals; restitution for care and treatment of certain forfeited animals; impose penalty on ownership of animal to person convicted of certain crimes against animal.
Tobacco: other; criminal penalties and civil sanctions for minors that purchase, possess, or use tobacco products, vapor products, or alternative nicotine products; sunset.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for tampering with utility shutoff to residence; amend to reflect decriminalization of certain acts.
Economic development: plant rehabilitation; definition of qualified commercial activity; modify.
Economic development: plant rehabilitation; definition of speculative building; modify.
A resolution to recognize September 2023 as National PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Month.
Elections: absent voters; electronic return of absent voter ballots by uniformed services voters; amend start date.
Cemeteries and funerals: other; definition of cemetery; modify.
Juveniles: juvenile justice services; residential reimbursement; allow department to adjust rates and change provider agreements.