Environmental protection: hazardous waste; injection well disposal fee; provide for.
Water supply: systems; mobile home park water delivery systems; regulate.
Traffic control: driver license; regulation of a relying party related to a mobile driver license or identification card; provide for.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in code of criminal procedure; update.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in 1846 RS 1; update.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in Michigan penal code; revise.
Consumer protection: identity theft; references to identity theft protection act in deferred presentment service transactions act; revise.
Consumer protection: identity theft; identity theft protection act; modify.
Corrections: prisoners; corrections code of 1953; update to reflect creation of productivity credits.
Corrections: prisoners; code of criminal procedure; update to reflect creation of productivity credits.