Crimes: embezzlement; embezzlement from vulnerable adults and the estates of vulnerable adults; provide penalties and steps for property recovery.
Land use: land division; number of parcels resulting from division; authorize counties and municipalities to increase.
Labor: hours and wages; minimum hourly wage rate; modify.
Labor: fair employment practices; various employer requirements; provide for.
Civil procedure: statute of limitations; statute of limitations for criminal sexual conduct violations; revise statute of limitations and notice requirements for actions against state government.
Recreation: state parks; veteran or actively serving military status; make basis for free state park and public boating access site entry.
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; public employer contribution to medical benefit plan; modify.
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; public employer contribution to medical benefit plan; modify.
Insurance: health insurers; compliance with affordable care act coverage; modify.
Children: child abuse or child neglect; child abuse and neglect prevention act; modify.