Animals: care and treatment; restitution for care and treatment of certain forfeited animals; impose penalties upon owner.
Appropriations: school aid; appropriations in the school aid act for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of health and human services; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of labor and economic opportunity; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of environment, Great Lakes, and energy; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: higher education; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Appropriations: department of military and veterans affairs; appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025; provide for.
Energy: alternative sources; energy storage, clean energy, and increased renewable energy; set targets for.
Health: abortion; public health code; amend to reflect repealed abortion laws and make other abortion-related changes.
Property tax: payment and collection; penalties for failure to file a property tax transfer affidavit; modify.