
141 to 150 of 778 results

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  • Local Government

2017 Senate Bill 102 / Public Act 38

Recodify philanthropic community foundation law

2017 House Bill 4136 / Public Act 27

Revise county delinquent tax revolving fund details

2016 House Bill 6075 / Public Act 530

Require local government underfunded pension disclosures

2016 House Bill 6036 / Public Act 529

Authorize local government energy efficiency purchase loans

2016 House Bill 5774 / Public Act 525

Revise statutes to reflect agency name changes

2016 Senate Bill 1117 / Public Act 521

Revise county drain board detail

2015 Senate Bill 624 / 2016 Public Act 510

Exempt library taxes from “tax capture districts”

2015 Senate Bill 623 / 2016 Public Act 509

Exempt library taxes from “local development financing authority” tax “capture”

2015 Senate Bill 622 / 2016 Public Act 508

Exempt library taxes from a “water resource improvement” authority “capture”

2015 Senate Bill 621 / 2016 Public Act 507

Exempt library taxes from a “corridor improvement” tax “capture”