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  • State Government

2011 House Bill 4212 / Public Act 2

Create "Michigan Environmental Assurance Advisory Council" for farms

2011 Senate Bill 122 / Public Act 1

Create farm "Environmental Assurance Advisory Council"

2011 Senate Bill 348 / Public Act 142

Revise medical services taxes to get more federal Medicaid money

2009 Senate Bill 1038 / 2010 Public Act 383

Impose licensure and regulations on PEOs

2009 House Bill 5614 / 2010 Public Act 382

Require licensure violation investigations

2010 Senate Bill 1102 / Public Act 381

Impose additional home for the aged licensure conditions

2010 Senate Bill 1101 / Public Act 380

Impose additional adult foster care facility licensure conditions

2010 Senate Bill 1486 / Public Act 375

Increase tattoo parlor fees and regulations

2010 Senate Bill 1558 / Public Act 374

Sell and lease-back state school for the deaf property in Flint

2010 Senate Bill 1320 / Public Act 373

Convey state property to Freesoil Township