
181 to 190 of 607 results

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  • Budget

2015 House Bill 4496 / Public Act 96

Liberalize school debt repayment requirements

2015 House Bill 4101 / Public Act 86

Try to "buy-back" state venture capital investment guarantees

2015 House Bill 4115 / Public Act 85

Appropriations: “Omnibus” education budget

2015 Senate Bill 133 / Public Act 84

Appropriations: 2015-2016 “Omnibus” budget

2015 Senate Bill 86 / Public Act 46

Authorize more local “pension obligation bonds”

2015 House Bill 4078 / Public Act 7

Spend $24.7 million for state land acquisitions and recreation projects

2015 House Bill 4112 / Public Act 6

Revise current year state budget

2015 House Bill 4110 / Public Act 5

Revise school aid budget

2013 House Bill 4290 / 2014 Public Act 565

Require disclosure of Department of Treasury audit procedures

2014 Senate Bill 1055 / Public Act 562

Repeal mandate that state printing be done in Michigan print shops