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  • State Government

2006 House Bill 5603 / Public Act 678

Create state reflex sympathetic dystrophy work group

2006 House Bill 6386 / Public Act 673

Exempt PGA and NCAA corporate sponsorship from use tax

2006 House Bill 6323 / Public Act 672

Allow and regulate electronic drug prescriptions

2006 House Bill 6182 / Public Act 668

Require LEIN check for warrants on parolees

2005 House Bill 5259 / 2006 Public Act 658

Revise utility truck seasonal weight limit exemption

2005 House Bill 4455 / 2006 Public Act 653

Require state minority health programs

2005 House Bill 4357 / 2006 Public Act 649

Establish "Firefighters Memorial Day”

2006 House Bill 6267 / Public Act 645

Revise real estate licensure enforcement fund details

2006 House Bill 5750 / Public Act 643

Authorize interstate nursing licensure

2005 Senate Bill 934 / 2006 Public Act 642

Send young men's drivers license data to draft board