
651 to 660 of 1,641 results

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  • Criminal Law

2014 House Bill 5615 / Public Act 300

Make buying ephedrine for meth a RICO crime

2013 House Bill 4915 / 2014 Public Act 299

Extend sunset on crime victim's rights fund earmark

2014 Senate Bill 904 / Public Act 279

Require “pharmacist in charge” at pharmacies

2014 Senate Bill 756 / Public Act 275

Revise pseudoephed “instant background check” law details

2013 Senate Bill 535 / 2014 Public Act 276

Mandate retailers check pseudoephed buyers against “meth offender registry”

2014 House Bill 5445 / Public Act 227

Establish rape kit evidence regulations and procedures

2013 House Bill 4486 / 2014 Public Act 200

Authorize involuntary treatment for substance abuse

2014 House Bill 5592 / Public Act 199

Exempt public breastfeeding from “indecent exposure” law

2014 House Bill 5591 / Public Act 198

Exempt public breastfeeding from “indecent exposure” law

2014 House Bill 5332 / Public Act 249

Establish “uniform credentialing” for government substance abuse services