2005 Senate Bill 170

House Roll Call 333: Passed

To require a magistrate to issue an arrest warrant if a complaint is presented alleging assault or aggravated assault by a person who had a prior dating relationship with the victim. Under current law this requirement applies to complaints filed against a spouse or former spouse, an individual with whom the victim has had a child in common, or an individual residing or having resided in the same household as the victim. The bill would also revise the details of sentencing guidelines on the maximum penalty for an intentional false report of child abuse, for the commission of a felony by a person who is wearing body armor, and for damaging or destroying research property.

107 Yeas / 2 Nays
Republican (57 Yeas / 1 Nay)
Democrat (50 Yeas / 1 Nay)
Excused or Not Voting (1)