2007 House Bill 4346

Senate Roll Call 452: Passed

The House-Senate conference report for the Fiscal Year (FY) Department of Education budget. This appropriates $96.4 million in gross spending, compared to $90.665 million, which was the FY 2006-2007 amount enrolled in 2006. (Much of that increase is due to the transfer of career and technical education operations from the Department of Labor and Economic Development.) Of this, $7.08 million will come from the general fund (funded by actual state tax revenues), compared to the FY 2006-2007 amount of $6.66 million. Another $7.036 million comes from state “restricted fund” revenue that is generated by various fees and other levies.

37 Yeas / 1 Nay
Republican (20 Yeas / 1 Nay)
Democrat (17 Yeas / 0 Nays)