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  • “subsidy”
  • Economic Development

2013 House Bill 4998 / 2014 Public Act 393

Appoint “entrepreneurs-in-residence” at Michigan Strategic Fund

2014 Senate Bill 1016 / Public Act 302

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2013 Senate Bill 536 / 2014 Public Act 274

Expand real estate development tax breaks

2013 House Bill 5132 / 2014 Public Act 245

Revise local “economic development” authority board detail

2013 House Bill 5131 / 2014 Public Act 244

Revise “Brownfields” authority board detail

2013 House Bill 4487

Authorize DDA debt and spending to promote local agriculture

2013 House Bill 4782 / Public Act 239

Expand another corporate/developer subsidy regime

2013 House Bill 4327 / Public Act 232

Allow "tax increment finance" scheme reset to make up for property value declines

2013 Senate Bill 397 / Public Act 238

Expand a corporate/developer subsidy regime

2013 Senate Bill 580

Revise renaissance zone details