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  • Technology

2018 House Bill 5430 / Public Act 205

Let insurance documents and proofs be electronic

2017 House Bill 4891

Clarify that parent eavesdropping on child is not unlawful

2017 House Bill 5257 / 2018 Public Act 95

Make possession of “ransomware” a felony

2017 House Bill 5097 / 2018 Public Act 97

Cap fees on internet service right of way projects

2018 House Bill 5413

Allow state to publish required publications electronically

2018 House Bill 5412

Revise definition of “non-paper record” in open records law

2017 Senate Bill 400 / 2018 Public Act 51

Increase 9-1-1 cell phone tax

2017 Senate Bill 573 / Public Act 264

Modify dates and deadlines in various tax laws

2017 Senate Bill 572 / Public Act 263

Modify dates and deadlines in various tax laws

2017 Senate Bill 571 / Public Act 262

Modify dates and deadlines in various tax laws