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  • “tax”
  • Transportation

2011 House Bill 4025 / 2012 Public Act 226

Earmark some sales tax to airports

2011 Senate Bill 351 / 2012 Public Act 225

Earmark some sales tax to roads

2011 House Bill 4739

Revise road tax distribution detail

2011 House Bill 4748 / Public Act 145

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2011 House Bill 4747

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2011 House Bill 4347 / Public Act 119

Revise certain county road project funding source restriction

2011 House Bill 4367 / Public Act 123

Facilitate creation of second Kalamazoo transit authority

2010 Senate Bill 1081 / Public Act 376

Authorize "aerotropolis" corporate tax breaks and subsidies

2009 Senate Bill 883 / 2010 Public Act 333

Revise “Internet tax” system detail

2009 House Bill 5349 / 2010 Public Act 277

Create another targeted tax break program