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  • Human Services

2015 Senate Bill 384

Authorize establishment of welfare agency police force

2015 Senate Bill 113 / Public Act 93

Change reference to "crippled children" in state law

2015 House Bill 4204 / Public Act 90

Change reference to "crippled children" in state law

2015 House Bill 4189 / Public Act 54

Let adoption agencies refuse adoptions that violate moral convictions

2015 House Bill 4188 / Public Act 53

Let adoption agencies refuse adoptions that violate moral convictions

2015 House Bill 4434 / Public Act 81

Extend state payment of certain fees incurred by private providers of foster care serv

2015 House Bill 4041 / Public Act 56

Ban welfare for persistent truancy

2015 House Bill 4409 / Public Act 58

Repeal welfare “extender” subsidy

2014 House Bill 5341 / Public Act 528

Revise welfare application confidentiality details

2013 House Bill 5198 / 2014 Public Act 527

Revise child services worker discipline procedure