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  • Military

2016 House Bill 5334 / Public Act 201

Revise definition of “veterans” in state laws

2016 House Bill 5333 / Public Act 200

Revise definition of “veterans” in state laws

2016 House Bill 5332 / Public Act 199

Revise definition of “veterans” in state laws

2015 House Bill 4796 / 2016 Public Act 172

Expand National Guard absence from work excuse

2015 Senate Bill 606 / 2016 Public Act 144

Expand homestead tax exemption to deployed military

2015 Senate Bill 6

Revise disabled veterans tax exemption detail

2015 House Bill 4134 / Public Act 191

Establish that military experience meets boiler installer licensure requirements

2015 Senate Bill 298 / Public Act 144

Expand scope of service dog law

2015 Senate Bill 9 / Public Act 52

Restrict child custody changes for active military member

2015 House Bill 4482 / Public Act 51

Restrict child custody changes for active military member