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2008 Senate Bill 1620

Establish seized non-fire save cigarette procedures

2008 Senate Bill 1584

Authorize industrial facilities tax break for particular firm

2008 Senate Bill 1582

Revise professional and other license background check detail

2008 Senate Bill 1579

Revise professional and other license background check detail

2008 Senate Bill 1577

Increase penalties for moving violation that causes injuries

2008 Senate Bill 1572

Restrict vehicle tracking device use

2008 Senate Bill 1557

Authorize Boy Scouts specialty plate

  • Introduced on Nov. 5, 2008
  • Passed 27 to 8 in the Senate on Nov. 13, 2008

2008 Senate Bill 1541

Require more details in annual MEGA report

2008 Senate Bill 1540

Require tax break “effectiveness” report

  • Introduced on Sept. 24, 2008
  • Passed 32 to 4 in the Senate on Nov. 13, 2008

2008 Senate Bill 1539

Require pre-approval of Constitutional initiative language