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  • Human Services

2014 House Bill 5512 / Public Act 375

Revise paternity law and unwed father child support details

2013 House Bill 4118 / 2014 Public Act 394

Require drug testing of welfare applicants

2013 House Bill 4991

Let adoption agencies refuse adoptions that violate moral convictions

2013 House Bill 4928

Let adoption agencies refuse adoptions that violate moral convictions

2014 Senate Bill 843

Authorize establishment of welfare agency police force

2014 Senate Bill 842

Increase food stamp fraud penalties

2014 Senate Bill 841

Increase penalties, authorize property forfeiture for food stamp fraud

2014 Senate Bill 890 / Public Act 308

Revise state adoption subsidies

2013 Senate Bill 592 / 2014 Public Act 341

Human trafficking crime package

2014 House Bill 5507 / Public Act 304

Revise county foster care reimbursement detail