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  • Criminal Law

2011 Senate Bill 425

Convey closed prison to Wayne County

2011 Senate Bill 522 / Public Act 199

“Bridge card” reform package

2011 Senate Bill 161

Ban partial birth abortion

2011 House Bill 4703 / Public Act 165

Revise parole notification detail

2011 House Bill 4349 / Public Act 161

Let law enforcement be funded with drug forfeiture money

2011 House Bill 4109

Ban “partial birth abortion”

2011 Senate Bill 212 / Public Act 153

Authorize fire-fighting high school courses

2011 Senate Bill 213 / Public Act 155

Allow electronic prescriptions from out of state dentists

2011 House Bill 4787 / Public Act 146

Earmark 9-1-1 tax money to State Police radios

2011 Senate Bill 357

Impose new animal fight sanctions