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  • “subsidy”
  • Economic Development

2008 Senate Bill 1380 / Public Act 175

Authorize $40 million in energy technology business subsidies

2008 House Bill 5752

Require state to market certain renewable fuel sites

2008 House Bill 5791

Require citizenship/resident preferences in "economic development" programs

2008 Senate Bill 1203 / Public Act 104

Expand “smart park” subsidies

2008 House Bill 5609 / Public Act 105

Expand “certified technology parks” tax breaks

2007 Senate Bill 455 / Public Act 200

Revise urban township TIFA criteria

2005 Senate Bill 584 / 2006 Public Act 475

Expand “Michigan Next Energy” tax breaks

2006 Senate Bill 1078 / Public Act 270

Authorize tax subsidy for certain alternative energy facilities

2006 House Bill 5752 / Public Act 273

Authorize tax subsidy for certain alternative energy facilities

2005 Senate Bill 802 / 2006 Public Act 283

Expand MEGA tax subsidies