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  • State Government

2016 House Bill 5332 / Public Act 199

Revise definition of “veterans” in state laws

2015 Senate Bill 673 / 2016 Public Act 222

Extend tax breaks for local developers program

2015 Senate Bill 602 / 2016 Public Act 227

Revise, increase register of deeds fees

2015 Senate Bill 601 / 2016 Public Act 226

Revise, increase register of deeds fees

2015 Senate Bill 523 / 2016 Public Act 247

Create a government “Native American historical recognition program”

2016 House Bill 5613

Limit state department rulemaking authority

2015 Senate Bill 292 / 2016 Public Act 221

Disclose unfunded pension liabilities costs in state budget

2015 House Bill 4796 / 2016 Public Act 172

Expand National Guard absence from work excuse

2015 House Bill 4344

Revise regulation of auto repair shops

2016 Senate Bill 886

Revise contested parole procedure details