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  • “subsidy”
  • Economic Development

2006 House Bill 5754 / Public Act 274

Subsidize gasohol and biodiesel pumps

2006 House Bill 5559 / Public Act 21

Authorize additional MEGA tax subsidies

2005 Senate Bill 533 / Public Act 215

Borrow $1 billion for “competitive edge technology” spending

2005 Senate Bill 359 / Public Act 213

Authorize "Michigan Life Science Pipeline" business subsidies

2005 House Bill 5215 / Public Act 233

Revise “early stage venture capital investment” tax breaks

2005 House Bill 5047 / Public Act 225

Create "21st Century Jobs Fund"

2005 House Bill 5216 / Public Act 234

Revise “early stage venture capital investment” tax breaks

2005 Senate Bill 482 / Public Act 101

Expand use of brownfield authority revenue

2003 Senate Bill 824 / 2004 Public Act 81

Extend MEGA corporate subsidy program

2003 Senate Bill 834 / Public Act 296

Create new 'early stage venture capital investment corporation' subsidy program