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  • Economic Development

2013 House Bill 4327 / Public Act 232

Allow "tax increment finance" scheme reset to make up for property value declines

2013 Senate Bill 397 / Public Act 238

Expand a corporate/developer subsidy regime

2013 Senate Bill 21

Revise DDA-subsidized "historic" building change procedures

2013 Senate Bill 580

Revise renaissance zone details

2013 House Bill 4259

Extend "Obsolete Property" tax break for particular developer

2013 Senate Bill 227

Facilitate continued Detroit “neighborhood enterprise zone” tax breaks

2013 Senate Bill 257 / Public Act 126

Expand “Business Improvement Zone” tax-and-spend entities

2013 House Bill 4541 / Public Act 115

Extend "Obsolete Property" tax break for particular developer

2013 House Bill 4540 / Public Act 85

Grant industrial plant rehab tax break for particular developer

2013 House Bill 4462 / Public Act 68

Prohibit TIFA “capture” of Detroit Zoo or Arts tax money