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  • Labor

2015 Senate Bill 493 / Public Act 267

"Push back" against Obama NLRB franchise unionization rule

2015 Senate Bill 500 / Public Act 240

Revise unemployment benefits employer assessment detail

2015 Senate Bill 280

Ban schools and governments paying union officials to do union work

2015 Senate Bill 213 / Public Act 199

Repeal duplicative worker injury notification requirement

2015 House Bill 4362 / Public Act 195

Revise workers comp insurance detail

2015 Senate Bill 310

Ban employer sanctions for emergency CAP service

2015 Senate Bill 69 / Public Act 130

Extend business job training subsidy program

2015 House Bill 4052 / Public Act 105

Preempt local employer wage, benefit or labor law mandates

2015 House Bill 4404 / Public Act 57

Revise government job training program detail

2015 Senate Bill 3

Repeal “prevailing wage” law