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  • Technology

2009 Senate Bill 504

Transfer Department of History, Arts, and Libraries programs to other departments

2009 Senate Bill 503

Transfer Department of History, Arts, and Libraries programs to other departments

2009 Senate Bill 296

Require citizenship/resident preferences in certain programs

2009 Senate Bill 190 / Public Act 4

Revise new cable and phone line video franchise law

2009 House Bill 4090

Require citizenship and resident preferences in subsidies & tax breaks

2009 House Bill 4247

Revise new cable and phone line video franchise law

2007 Senate Bill 973 / 2008 Public Act 448

Expand eligibility and transferability of historic preservation tax credits

2007 Senate Bill 897 / 2008 Public Act 394

Impose recycling fees and mandates on computer makers

2008 House Bill 6420 / Public Act 504

Grant “obsolete structures” tax break to particular owner

2008 House Bill 6070 / Public Act 379

Cap county 9-1-1 taxes