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  • Technology

2008 House Bill 6714 / Public Act 392

Impose recycling tax and mandates on computer makers

2007 House Bill 5396

Authorize $500 fine for texting while driving

2007 House Bill 5117

Ban “text messaging” while driving

2007 House Bill 4982

Ban driving while using hand-held cell phone

2007 House Bill 4902 / 2008 Public Act 312

Mandate African history course components

2008 House Bill 5932

Let active military out of cell phone contract

2008 House Bill 5797

Exempt some newspapers from certain business taxes

2008 House Bill 6121 / Public Act 172

Revise municipal sewer authority detail

2007 House Bill 4534

Establish state "Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day"

2008 House Bill 5787

Require citizenship/resident preferences in "economic development" programs